Monday, February 16, 2015

Concedes, however, that a married priest might have less time for society.

Many eyes Pope Francis is making sand dollar radical sand dollar changes in the Catholic Church under other popes we did not see them. Recently, in his Christmas speech, he deplored the administration of the Vatican because in her mind materialism more than real hardships people. sand dollar Until some time ago this kind of criticism was jistennieha such nobody nobody was looking statements made certain that the Pope in several areas, including the rights of minorities and the role of women in the Church. People along with the critics sand dollar out there asking what will be the next step in the renewal that has been felt for several years.
In light of all this, the newspaper everyone chose to speak with Fr Hilary Tagliaferro, a person shall not need any introduction, on whether the time yet come to the Catholic priests should be granted with right to marry and have a family like other priests are also part of Christianity.
"Yes, the priests shall have free choice on ic celibat and also have the right to marry as others," said Fr Hilary Tagliaferro. He explained how, in truth, Christ sand dollar chose to be very married him. Furthermore, in the first thousand years of the Church, the priests could marry, what habit is still supported today the day of the Orthodox Church. However, Fr Hilary stressed: "The value tac-celibat sand dollar is great and important Church and shall remain for those who want bordering."
Many are of the opinion that the Catholic Church and the Vatican are not updated but Fr Tagliaferro believes that they are updated by virtue of the Vatican council in his own words integrating the Church in the world today. "But the culture and mindset hard to shift and the Church is time to change, and do well," explained Fr Tagliaferro that in his opinion the society that is emerging in which we are living too fast.
Fr Tagliaferro explained disagrees with the fact that the Maltese sand dollar Church remained behind sand dollar but kkonceda not always sand dollar been close to the people. However, believes that the Church offered a priceless aid to the poor, the elderly, people of special needs, as well as to drug addicts, orphans and single sand dollar Mothers, among others. "The Church has always been at the forefront in the defense of the poor and in those who is in need."
"The Church has always looked at marriage as a sacrament of great importance followed by intercourse and raising children that are fundamental requirement for those entering marriage," explained Fr Tagliaferro.
Therefore, once it Catholic priests granted the right to marry, must also have the right to foster children. "After all this already exists in the Church many priests and Protestant Anglicans joining the Catholic Church and still live the married life," explained carefully sand dollar Fr Tagliaferro. Added that he feels that the universal Church should review well as look at sexuality.
He continued saying that is sure that the Church is doing its studies on this new phenomenon sand dollar and is inserted gradually as in the case of Anglicans. However, Fr Tagliaferro sand dollar said that this time certainly will not arrive until he is alive.
Concedes, however, that a married priest might have less time for society. "I see me personally, I like many family and children in particular, I would not know I was married I give much time for others and for the children of others," revealed Fr Tagliaferro.
He also mentioned the problem of the lack of vocations ever decreasing and thus decreasing the presence of the Eucharist in many places. "But who knows if God must also calls for their responsibilities to themselves feel more part of the Church and seek to have more voice especially women?" He says with conviction Fr Tagliaferro.
In view of the fact that in recent years the Church sand dollar in Malta was faced with allegations of sexual abuse by members of the clergy, Fr Tagliaferro does not believe that the introduction of marriage these sexual abuses will fail.
"I know the Church nhobbha but not perfect, contrary to what we were finding out when we were much younger and far. The Second Vatican Council fethilna new avenues and beautiful ignores we still gave no seriously, including the true place of laymen and women in the Church, the taboo against sexuality to finish because God is holy and halaqha, as well as more attention to who is rejected in society, "explained carefully Fr Tagliaferro.
However, he called the church to make it more close to the people and continue to educate more faith with the difference that an excess is not lost on popular religiosity and bombastika. This is because their time ago finished and often seems ridiculous.

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