Sunday, March 8, 2015

Consider what you have is a doorway on the link Now substitu

Imagine attention to dynamic doorway generator file (written in PHP). What is it? But something upload files, only one file where you want (oh pirozhochki) and you have a ready beskonechnostranichny doorway. Cool is not it?
Consider what you have is a doorway on the link Now substituting a link? Q = buy-keyword, and instead buy-keyword can substitute any, absolutely any keyword is with a dash instead of a space, you get instantly generated on this page of keywords. Use your template filled granted macros. Macro system evolves and is not static During the innovation should be at the end of the post, where about updates.
List of macros: [SENTENCE: x: y: z: w] - given piece of text from obschenaparshennogo elettrobar where x - the minimum number of proposals, y - the maximum number elettrobar of proposals, z - the density of keywords in the text (not necessarily integers, for example 1.6 will also be work), w - a randomly range reference in this piece of text (via sign ^, such as 4 ^ 12) [UPKEY] elettrobar - current keyword is capitalized [RANDKEYWORD] is a random keyword is in the list to relink with a capital elettrobar [KEYTRANSLIT] - a transliteration of the current Kay (instead of spaces dash important for ru Fedorov), also works in the redirect code [RADN: elettrobar x: y] - random number from x to y [RANDOMLINK] - link with a random list of keywords from relinking elettrobar [THISPAGEURL] - link to the current page [REDIRECTUSHKA] - redirect code [RANDTEMATICKEY] - random Kay Kay current topics (his job require the use of file keyami)
The cost of the current script version- $ 4 cost of the current script version- $ 5 cost of the current script version- $ 6 cost of the current script version- elettrobar $ 7 cost of the current script version- $ 8 cost of the current script version- $ 10 cost of the Script current version- $ 15 cost of the current script version- $ 17 cost of the current script version- $ 20 cost of the current script version- $ 30 cost of the current script version- elettrobar 40 $ (2400WMR)
- Logging is visiting - definition of country visitor and record it in the log - cloaking - insert pictures - links among relink text - perelinkovka with other dorami - generate links doorway by entering keyam - work with your templates - Batch filling for ftp and successful conclusion of references - Identifying current of keywords - Admin Management dorami - Batch generation Fedorov different keyami for internal linking - enable, disable the redirect command in exile Dora well itp
Here are the details for the purchase Z121169746276, R400104284475. In comments to the payment dyndoor enter your Email and where to send the script. When pokukpke dorgu parser and tips for special price in the comments elettrobar write dyndoor + parser and your email. Other options oplaty- individually through a link in the mail and ICQ- 660589618
Updates generator (changelog): 06.02.2015: log of visits, which includes the current time, with a aypishnika which page with what referrer and yuzeragentom come. Logs are written to the file log.txt 07.02.2015: Identification of the country of the visitor and record it in the log, the log format to copy from your browser and paste into Excel, the data to be in their cells 08/02/2015: Now you can write the country's elettrobar visitors log. Copying the log from your browser and paste into excel data will form the cells. Added ability to enable and disable the redirect to the dore (for cached pages will also work) 09/02/2015: Added cloaking elettrobar from a given list of subnets (aypishnik without the last part of the address). Cloaking works the same way with the already cached pages 10/02/2015: Now you can work with your templates. Workspace Macro: [SENTENCE: x: y: z] - given piece of text from obschenaparshennogo where x - the minimum number of proposals, y - the maximum number of proposals, z - the density of keywords in the text (%) (not necessarily integers, for example 1.6, too will work) [UPKEY] - current keyword is capitalized [LOCALLINKS] - internal linking (array reference) [REDIRECTUSHKA] - Enclosing a redirect code template is now no 11/2/2015: List of macros refilled: [SENTENCE: x: y: z] - a given piece of text from obschenaparshennogo where x - the minimum number of proposals, y - the maximum number of proposals, z - the density of keywords in the text (%) [UPKEY] - current keyword is capitalized [H1UPKEY] - current keyword is capitalized in the tag H1 [ H2UPKEY] elettrobar - current keyword is capitalized in the tag H2 [H3UPKEY] - current keyword is capitalized in the tag H3 [H4UPKEY] - current keyword is capitalized in the tag H4 [BUPKEY] - current keyword is capitalized bold

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