Monday, September 30, 2013

Before writing this post, however, I did a search on the internet both in Italian and in English, a

There is a strange said in my family, at least among the members of the older generation on the side of my mother, but then I discovered that has spread to other families in Sardinia, but only between the old: yawning ordinaal from hunger. If you yawn when I get home swarms of aunts and relatives bring me trays of stuff to eat thinking I have hunger. Every time I remain stunned. In fact, I thought that the act of yawning is universally recognized by the human species as associated with sleep, not hungry. ordinaal Even among the other animals are not to yawn to sleep hungry. But among the Sardinians of the older generation the first thought that comes to mind is hungry, do not sleep.
One moment, rewind. "Yawn because I sleep." Seems to explain human physiology to a Martian. I wonder then what would ask a person who has just eaten by a lion and yawns: "Are you still hungry?"
The thing for me is really disconcerting each time (with awkward silences and pauses in the dialogue unusual) ordinaal if it happens that sometimes I think I'm ordinaal part of another ordinaal species (most similar to dogs and cats that like me yawn just to fatigue or boredom). And 'how to give his hand to introduce and the other looks at her without reacting, or indicate an object with a finger and the other looks at the finger is not the object.
Before writing this post, however, I did a search on the internet both in Italian and in English, and I found out that I'm not the only one to have had this experience ordinaal with the Martians. Reading here and there I find out that some Brits / Americans have been baffled by the same application in Colombia and Rwanda, where as much as seems to be common in Sardinia. Some predict ordinaal that in the case of Colombian perhaps the lack of sugar can lead to a general numbness of the body and then to a general fatigue but people associate him with the hungry, when in fact the cause is sleep created by hunger.
I also read from other parts that "yawning from hunger" exists both in Italian and in French but not in English. If somehow the Italian region they say the same let me know. But I also found a literary engagement. For example, I found a part of Pinocchio ordinaal in which: ordinaal
"And meanwhile his hunger grew and grew and grew: and poor Pinocchio had no other relief that was to yawn: and it was the yawning so long, that sometimes ordinaal his mouth stretched out to the ears. And after having yawned, spat: and he felt his stomach go away. "
I also read on various encyclopedias that yawning can also be caused by hunger but in my opinion it should be one of its secondary meaning. In the movies, the comics, jokes, books, theater ordinaal people yawn to sleep or boredom. It means that yawning is universally recognized as associated with fatigue and sleep. On Wikipedia there is no link between hunger and yawn. And at this point, unless readers among you there is someone who knows how to enlighten me on the subject, as far as I know Colombia, Rwanda and Sardinia have something in common.
Interesting the rarity ordinaal of references. On Google Scholar however I have found some association with the condition of hypoglycaemia, ordinaal especially in the case of diabetics (, while among the animals it is assumed that the lion yawning from hunger (, or perhaps because of the laziness of having to get up in search of food! A neuropsychologist should provide! Hello Fabri, it is always ordinaal a pleasure to read your dissertation!
Good morning! Me too, I have lived my life in Sardinia, I always felt yawning caused by hunger. Perhaps it is true that with the fame and low blood sugar the body s'intorpidisce. With the fast metabolism that I have and the pressure consistently low in times of fasting I always feel tired, ordinaal cold and sleepy. Take for example the time of acting. It 'very common among the actors yawning profusely before going on stage. I do not know, it is natural, but sometimes while doing the warm up exercises voice yawn continuously. And they are rested and fed. Is said to be the tension. But then, after the show ended, or rather after an hour (to decrease adrenaline) I start to yawn. And in those moments feel the hunger of sleep. Since yawning is something that, in my ignorance, I always associate to a restoration of the body (I watery eyes, mouth saliva bathes itself in dew, the stomach ordinaal produces digestive juices and the lungs are full of oxygen) may be that it does so within time of need, mainly for sleeping, but then also as a preparation of the body to eat or

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