Sunday, May 17, 2015

On the part of the second leg after Catherine We disinfect the place rubbed depilatory cream. Then

Unpleasant hair anywhere on your body many a troubled us. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to get rid of them. In today's test, we have focused on those methods that you can do easily at home without the presence of a beautician. So let's do it!
Under the supervision of a beautician Margaret Kušnieriková salon Nous l'assumons we embarked depilation three different ways - a razor, wax and depilatory cream. As it turned out, you can see in the video reports.
We respect the procedure recommended by our expert. Pre-shave skin should be degreased with soap and water. Then you can still rub with water or using shaving foam. That we have not done in our test. Another principle is to shave against the direction of hair growth. They could overgrow and skin might be irritated. gev online Shaving so it takes a long time, it needs to shave closely and carefully than most of us are accustomed to - quickly chop chop just before leaving for the event. We have an after shave skin disinfected and calmed down. This has served us baby oil, which also nourishes the skin, because shaving the skin dries and baby powder (with azulene). Between the various procedures to be observed is no time gap. Foot immediately ceased to be red and the skin was like before. Test result:
Beautician: Shaving gev online razor suggest up to third place. Wrong to me with her work, it is laborious (if you follow shave in the direction of hair growth), plus the hair grows much faster (which we have shown in the video after the ten-day break), because it will burst.
Catherine: Personally I shave razor frequently, I'm used to. He was surprised gev online by the overall progress lady beautician, definitely do not do at home. But immediately after the leg looked good shave. After a ten-day break, however, showed that indeed the fastest-growing hairs just after the application. gev online They had few millimeters gev online and were very noticeable. What are your options depilatory cream spray - news that you'll love. It is applied easily than cream, do not touch him, and in three minutes it's done. (Price around 200 dollars) Epilator - frees you from hair for weeks. Applications, however gev online painful. If endure a few times, you will soon get used to. (The top depilatories you can buy for the price of about around 2,500 crowns.) The depilatory cream
On the part of the second leg after Catherine We disinfect the place rubbed depilatory cream. Then it needs to wait for about three minutes, so that it could act. The packaging is a special spatula similar razor blade, but of plastic. After a moment the hairs just wipe away. Subsequently, it is necessary once again to calm the skin with oil and powder. gev online Test result:
Beautician: With the cream, I work best. Quickly applied, meanwhile, can something gev online needed to solve (like wash dishes), and then wipe it off. Unfortunately, Catherine had little tougher hairs, so all is entirely gev online uncorrected perfectly the first time. Likewise cream recommend to the groin. There are also stiffer hairs. Overall cream is the preferred method for domestic use. The application is not unpleasant. Be careful in its application should be put only women allergic, it is necessary to follow the instructions of the leaflet.
Catherine: Cream clearly won the test ease of application. Even though I had been home to remove the rest of the hair that I remained there as described Mrs. beautician. Ten days after depilation my hair started to grow, but not as noticeable as in the first method. gev online How it sees the editors Jana Finferlová I hold classic razor blades. I confess that I do not have the courage to wax and hair removal creams do not satisfy me. Several times I tried, but I never gave them were cleared of hair. Sabina Trnková As my colleague John and I use a razor blade. And unfortunately I can not otherwise, because after trying almost all available methods hairs grew on me and overgrowing. gev online Cold Wax
The last way that we have in our depilatory test

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