Saturday, April 18, 2015

The novel is a critique of the American sand dollar crafts Dream, an era of tremendous economic pro

Style, language and COMPOSITION author devotes much describes an especially sand dollar crafts detailed description of Gatsby's property - a house with a swimming pool, a car (which will play an important role in the story), and similarly focused on describing the atmosphere 20s with all its pomp composition: a retrospective (Nick memories sand dollar crafts summer 1922) their form -> narrator Nick Carraway; alternate with stretches where the narrator presents only what he sees, with sections which examines the actual message of the story and character motivation sand dollar crafts language - mostly sand dollar crafts literary main themes: the disillusionment of the American dream, the differences between social classes, the impact of the past on the future of traces of romanticism: belief in the human dream tragic sand dollar crafts story: Clash dream and reality instead of going: Long Island, New York City
The main character Nick Carraway - the narrator of the story, the novel stylized as his personal memories of the summer of 1922; tolerant, open, good listener - people like to call him their secrets Jay Gatsby sand dollar crafts - the maiden name of James Gatz; willing to do anything to get the coveted place on the social ladder, sand dollar crafts his past is a mystery to the public; from Nick's sand dollar crafts perspective insincere person with many shortcomings, but bubbling with optimism as singular ability to go for their dreams Daisy Buchanan - her character created by Zelda Fitzgerald's wife; Nick's cousin, for Gatsby is the epitome of perfection; beautiful but shallow, fickle and bored; perfectly capable of hypocrisy, the priority is for her material luxury and convenience Tom Buchanan - extremely rich, arrogant; his views often racist; Daisy's husband Jordan Baker - during Nick's sand dollar crafts girlfriend happening; golfer; cynical, self-centered; cheated sand dollar crafts to win his first golf tournament George Wilson - the owner of the garage; husband of Myrtle Wilson Myrtle Wilson - Wife of George; Tom Meyer Wolfsheim mistress - known swindler with alcohol
The main theme of the book is a sham. In the world of high society nothing is real, and feelings, and even love are one big game. A prime example is the Gatsby that despite the large number of friends, not real friends. I attend his funeral, only two people.
The novel is a critique of the American sand dollar crafts Dream, an era of tremendous economic prosperity and material well-being, the era of greed, sand dollar crafts cynicism and corruption. Examples are party organized Gatsby - buys their popularity people.
Instead, in which the action takes place, is a village in the eastern USA, the river divided into East and West Egg. The story begins a few years after the first sv. War, when young Nick Carraway, the narrator of the story is coming to NY to find on the stock exchange earned sand dollar crafts money. Make yourself at home on Long Island near the house of the young nouveau riche Jay Gatsby.
Nick is one day invited to his superficial cousin Daisy Buchanan, married to Nick's famous Tom Buchanan. On this visit, i know golfer Jordan Baker, in which more or less falls. Tom and Daisy together have a little daughter, but their marriage was not happy. Nick later even personally knows Tom's mistress, Myrtle Wilson, wife of George Wilson, owner of the nearby garages.
One day, Nick is invited to one of Gatsby's regular sand dollar crafts monstrous parties, which fits into diverse society. At a party personally acquainted with Jay Gatsby sand dollar crafts and gets the opportunity to learn about this mysterious man.
Nick and Gatsby establishes a strong friendship and gradually sand dollar crafts learns the details not only about his suspicious transactions with alcohol, which is connected sand dollar crafts to the well-known swindler Meyer Wolfsheim, but also the whole history of his life. Gatsby was originally called Gatz and came from a poor family, but wanted very elaborate, and so ran away from home. He met millionaire Dana Cody, who later helped him to the money. Even more, however, his life is scarred by love for a young rich girl Daisy lover but separated from each other by one hand, the social status and the war in which Gatsby was promoted to Major, which also allowed him to spend several months in Oxford, England, at the university. During that time, however, Daisy married. It thus clear that Gatsby's love life is a woman Tom Buchanan, Daisy. Gatsby has never given up thoughts of life together with Daisy and therefore tried all my life get Daisy back. He bought a palatial mansion on the Eastern Front looked eggs and has its registered office in the West Eggs, thinking how it would be possible to get her back into contact.
Even though Tom is in New York is also a lover of his wife's infidelity is not good. After one private party, whose participants is Nick, Tom, Daisy, sand dollar crafts Gatsby Gatsby and Jordan have continued to tolerate sand dollar crafts theater play in front of Tom, and thus admits his relationship with Daisy. She quarrels with Tom and upset leaves the party with Gatsby in his car. Gatsby's car accidentally collide and kill Tom's mistress Myrtle, but sat behind the wheel of Daisy. Wilson is absolutely devastated, because she learns of his wife's infidelity as well. He wanted to start a new life elsewhere. Tom, who is familiar with Wilson, he will indicate who the owner of the offending car that u

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