Wednesday, April 15, 2015

- Tom - arrogant as his wife, a mistress who thinks marry her but Tom does not want to change solo

- The narrator is Nick Caraway, alternate with sections where the narrator presents only what he sees, with sections which contemplates the actual message of the story and character solo cup canada motivation, Nick does not do much wrong, it is rather a mediator, a novel stylized as his personal memories of summer 1922 - their form
- Is the subject of hypocrisy, the instability of cheap tinsel high society, high society in the world is nothing real, all the feelings are one big game (at first glance everyone's favorite Gatsby has no true friend)

- Nick Carraway - went to the East Coast to learn the trade on Bruz, cousin Daisy, solo cup canada Tom knows from university, tolerant, open, good listener people he often tells his secrets, his character serves rather to describe
- Daisy - character created by F.ženy Zelda. beautiful but hypocritical, bored, most of all appreciate the luxury life, after leaving Gatsby was married to Tom for G. represents the personification of perfection
- Tom - arrogant as his wife, a mistress who thinks marry her but Tom does not want to change solo cup canada anything, his confidence disappears until the moment solo cup canada when they find out the interest of another man, his opinions are often sexist and racist
- Rendering the atmosphere 20s with all its pomp
- Lost Generation (am.spisovatelé who passed 1SV and this fact appear in his works express feelings solo cup canada of the soldiers after returning from války- returned mentally solo cup canada mutilated and had problem to be included in society are typical attitudes, which gave disapproval and distrust of society often builds his heroes nebezepčných into situations where they must prove their character)
A place in which the action takes place is a village divided the river into East and West Egg. This village is located in the eastern USA. In one part of the poor people live and the other rich people. The story begins several letpo War, when young Nick Carraway from the American Midwest, who is also the narrator, arrives in New York to exchange for extra cash. Make yourself at home on Long Island near the exhibition residence mysterious young yuppie Gatsby. Nick meets with his somewhat superficial cousin Daisy married to Nick's famous Tom Buchanan, solo cup canada with whom he has a young daughter. Marriage is not entirely happy, Nick even personally solo cup canada knows Tom's mistress, Myrtle Wilson, manželkumajitele nearby garages. Nick makes contact solo cup canada with Gatsby, is invited to his regular monstrous parties, fits into the colorful solo cup canada local companies and learn about the lovely young golfer Jordan solo cup canada Baker. Become a friend Gatsby, giving us a unique opportunity to learn something solo cup canada more about this man, whose past publicly circulated only unsubstantiated legends or rumors. Gradually he learns not only the details of at least suspicious Gatsby's liquor store, which is connected to the well-known swindler Meyer Wolfsheim, but also the whole history of his mysterious life. Gatsby was originally called solo cup canada Gatz and came from a poor family, but wanted very elaborate, and so ran away from home. He met millionaire Dana Cody, who later helped him to the money. Even more, however, his life is scarred by love for a young rich girl Daisy lover but separated from each other by one hand, the social status and the war in which Gatsby was promoted to Major, which also allowed him to spend five months solo cup canada at Oxford. During that time, however, Daisy married. It thus clear that Gatsby's love life is a woman Tom Buchanan Daisy, Gatsby and her meet again, causing a complete breakdown of her marriage to Tom. After one private party, where there is a direct confrontation Gatsby and Tom becomes a fateful event. solo cup canada George's wife Myrtle Wilson crosses the car belonging Gatsbymu, but sitting behind the wheel of Daisy. Wilson is absolutely devastated, he learned that his wife is unfaithful to her and wanted to start a new life elsewhere. Tom Buchanan, who is familiar with Wilson, solo cup canada he will indicate who the owner of the offending vehicle, which drove away from the accident scene. Gatsby intends to protect Daisy, but before that is in his house shot mstícím Wilson, who then commits suicide. The irony is that over Gatsby solo cup canada nobody except his father Henry C. and Nick grieve, rich elite of the city seems to have forgotten the hospitality that enjoyed in Gatsby's house. Daisy and Tom leave with an unknown solo cup canada destination. Nick Carraway solo cup canada is thus discouraged, ends his relationship with Jordan and leaves home. The theme for this work is the life of American society in the 20s of the 20th century in the USA. The idea is to critique snobbery and superficiality. Aurot points to přátelksé relationships that are based on villagers' wealth and not their true feelings such as love. Everything is like one big sham. Although solo cup canada Gatsby in better social strata belonged, they never nedokázla adapt. He did everything for love of Daisy, because she wanted to prove he is no longer the poor man who had courted solo cup canada her, but that

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