Tuesday, August 5, 2014

If you create shell crab a dictionary of our pluralism

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"Best Seller" is commonly used in literature. What does not mean the best, but a bestseller. It is a form of marketing which has resulted libror successful. For the man of taste tends usually shell crab collective shell crab and not individual. Is this an expression of uniformity, to be fashionable, to share thoughts, opinions, values to generally, which has replaced the competence, knowledge and truth. This category to showcase the book buys, reads the entry, several paragraphs, a few pages from the middle and end, and believes that it is enough, the author has collected sense (it-es). They do not have time to read the details, are pragmatic and declare all their sacrifice summarized in the sentence "to throw a hand or an eye." There is an undeniable fact that the books "Best seller" books in general are lemonade, easy to read, books, beach, erotic thriller with happy ending. Strong themes that address the cardinal problems of the time hardly reflected in this kind of literature. These books are subject logic as marketable goods, or identical with news media reports "show biz", where it is more intimate and banal details of life VIPs, occupying a particular space, enviable.
In a word these "Best seller" have distorted the market and are increasingly shell crab cultivate a bad taste to the public. But the qualification as "best seller" and finds its expression in politics. Are people advertise, they have 24 years to have invaded the hall of parliament, they can not understand yourself off lists for MPs, which screens show us day after day with their silly broçkullisjet. shell crab As corrupt as controversial, as spotted by filing stories shell crab million more "Best" are. Ordinary people are in awe of these individuals, leaders who build hierarchy shell crab of evil, that the system of kleptocracy sell us as the greatest achievement. Although often bother, shell crab Duffy deflate poverty that has plagued us, still say that they're good, people who "do not get the dog eats rod" and vote with fanaticism, encouraging their mission antihuman, anti-national. Based on this approach even more media have a special column, do surveys which politician is kuotuari public. To make it more diverse and sometimes put any name athlete, artist, or civil society shell crab activist. But the list of top politicians, who know no rivalry in the competition. More "sellers" have overshadowed "the best" in politics, to the point where the best seen with skepticism and admit everyone with a bag. For the good, the wise, people with integrity who are educated to apply the law, not to say black color white, or flu-uncle, are consonant shell crab groups, species extinction. They can not be seen as a career and strong vinegar blasting its container. And medicores, immoral, traffickers are deployed as locusts on crops, are buying with cash existential space, killing the fragile democracy in swaddling clothes Albanian.
If you create shell crab a dictionary of our pluralism "Best seller" will have a broad spectrum of a typical individualisti to achieve its goals does not leave anything undone, has launched to the market and has betrayed the interests of friends, friends, community to national interests. And this does not feel guilty, nor blush or pale, morality kicks in the name of morality, violate the law in the name of law, bleach shell crab and stain his opponent severely tarnishing the case according to the "do not do as I do, but as I say"; devil and angel protects propagates, saint whose mission is to open the eyes millet, to show them the right way, virtuous. Say that the beginning is difficult, first shame, lies first, first flirtation, first offense, then become shell crab chronic, wins immunity. Think you're the invisible man, Superman for which there are no boundaries and nothing impossible. You are the model that was sold to others for imitation, the exemption from the rule, the norm, from traditional to have your public and private space, where scandals are bonuses that increase the audience. Your likes high officials, powerful statesmen known for scandals, stories pink, as polygamous or tranvestitë have managed to sue accusers, to receive compensation and write books that are sold in millions shell crab of copies. Are made even more famous by recycled perversitetet, human nonsense. So how did the writers envious voice in the world. Paradoxically communication theories that speak to contemporary media "bad news is good news", where the primary duty is selling the product and not the taste, the public needs. To rubric

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