Thursday, August 7, 2014

Licensed in 2011

Error Scandals ohne Waffen up during the update yet, an alle wo Verbrecher reactions geliefert wird der Welt | Albania -News - Albanien
Waffen und Munition an die the Serbs, kein Problem bei Salih Berisha! Alles ist bekannt great ten Seit langem! Warum die weiter trotzdem great ten EU Geld in Dieses kriminelle Enterprise, Volks und eines billigen Banditen great ten terrorist, pumpte, Ware eine gute Frage!
Constantly recent years the media have been released strong ties to Albania and Serbia regarding the import, export and transit of arms and explosives. The year 2012 can not make exception to this "rule" .During this year with all the noise in the press department Imam has continued apace with the Serbo-Slavic relations. great ten
Below we will examine each case these symbiotic Albanian-Serb relations in the Ministry of Defense of Albania during 2012 mainly, but not only. Albania has exported in 2012 versus EUC (end user certificate) for the Democratic Republic of Congo 60 (sixty) on 20mm caliber gun, worth 16,700 Euros. In fact previously exported weapons in transit in Serbia and Montenegro. Serbian businessmen gun, the same gun he sold Albanian Congo for 59 thousand 159 Euros. Emphasize that in the Congolese EUC clearly states that the seller and buyer Albania Congolese Ministry of Defence, Disarmament and War Veterans. Serbs in this case are simply brokers. The difference in price is 42 thousand 439 Euros then triple the price of exports from Albania. Albanian weapons exported to the Congo in Africa namely, in southern Albania, it must be to climb up north in Serbia, Montenegro transit across and then down again to the south. I remind the Minister that subordinates Kodheli great ten its predecessor Imam caused economic damage of 42 thousand 439 Euro Exchequer or because they are stupid (he threw Serb Montenegrins) or that are scoundrels, that have divided Euros with their fellow Slavs. Fools laid off, while the rogues sent to the prosecutor. great ten
Tirana Socialist Opposition MPs in the National Security Commission in parliament have Launched a probe, requesting documents from the Ministry of Defence great ten in Relation to allegations of arms Trafficking and illegal eavesdropping great ten by the army's spy agency, MIS.
"Certain elements [in the ministry] have strayed away from the Legal Framework and Practices of Engaged great ten in Armed Trafficking corrupt ... maybe CONSTITUTIONAL Even anti-illegal activity like [phone] interception," said Socialist MP John Ilir this week.
The head of MIS, Colonel Ylli Zyla, resigned on July 5, following media reports Linking To Arms Traders His wife. Also the media has raised great ten Raised great ten questions about the sale of Phone-Tapping Equipment by the agency.
Data published by the Authority for the Control of Exports, qual arms license sales, Albania That show has Sold hundreds of tons of AMMUNITION, Explosives, great ten MISSILES Artillery, mortars and RPGs to countres neither diverse nor Montenegro, tail, the US, Burkina Faso and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
We have 100 tons of munitions, inherited from the communist system and Albania do not work for the military force at its disposal. A part started to collapse and the rest is sold in any state where the offer is presented, despite coming, have a friend, partner great ten or opponent. great ten
A detailed report of the State Audit Agency Import-Export of Military great ten Goods (created after the merger of Gërdec and MEICO), clearly shows the Albanian government military activities in the years 2008 to 2011-n, where unremarkable tons bullets, mortars and shells to various countries. Panorama shows two sides of activity, which, in the years 2010-2011, grew considerably, because the private companies licensed by the Albanian state. Albania mainly sells cartridges, explosives, shells, etc.., And buys pistols, machine guns and sniper. Sales have focused mainly on countries such as Montenegro and the Czech Republic, while the weapons shop in Italy, where, apparently, the Albanian government will have special agreements, as is the main place where supplied by the State Police and National Guard of the Republic .
Licensed in 2011
Die Bande CIA, Welch Albanien und auch den Kosovo ruiniert hat, und für ihre Waffen- Geschäfte Drugs, grossen haben ein Problem great ten godfather, weil LIeferungen Waffen aus über ihre Albanien an Hisbolla und die 2 Spionage Netz der CIA wichtigsten in Nah-Ost aufflogen, Schon Einige wo hingerichtet wurden. Diese Geldwasch Drogenhandel Gelder aus dem, den Albanischen Mafia godfather fehlen great ten Politikern. Der ermittelnde Albanische Geheimdienst Offizier Copa Iso, wurde vor einem Mona ermordet behold, great ten weil er rund um diesen Mafia Geschäften Salih Berisha Mafia Bau und seiner im Wege stand. CIA Die Systeme: Waffen gegen Drugs: heute mit

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