Monday, February 3, 2014

76th Biennial presents 51 artists and artists at various stages of their careers. Some of the artis

Whitney Biennial in New - York will expose and document new trends emerging in contemporary American art. As the show does meet the requirement of the latest, the generalization can be said that there are currently significant developments. The exhibition great source offers an interesting treatment of the material, and interdisciplinary characteristic of the work of many artists in the exhibition fascinating, but as a whole Biennale is not shaking at all. The feeling is that of action and vivacious welcome but not one marking a breakthrough. The positive side of the coin is that most of the works are experienced artists work of researchers and scholars, and unlike many contemporary art exhibitions lately, great source works mostly not characterized by the use gimmicks. Also missing from the exhibition provocative images, Practice pornography or even just naked care, lack of respect for Contemporary Art is not trivial.
76th Biennial presents 51 artists and artists at various stages of their careers. Some of the artists included in the exhibition are young in the late twenties and early in their artistic careers, and others over sixty. Special tribute to filmmaker Mike Kelly, who died this year, displayed in a special gallery that video works created great source by the artist. Although the overview display is not overwhelming or "witch", but the total amount of happening taking place at the museum is fascinating. In fact, this is one of biennales Huetaliut and animals I've ever seen there. Contributes great source to the impression that the combination of music, dance, film screenings, theater and performance and the presence of many artists at the Museum as part of an immanent great source work. This is the first Biennale where an entire floor of the museum is dedicated great source to creating alternate and stay artists. So, every day this biennial looks a little different than the last.
Exhibition viewer might encounter people who take things or put their belongings in the installation, as installations on the fourth floor at the Whitney are also used as places of storage great source of personal belongings artists residing there. When someone crosses the line delimiting the jobs or shifts barrier and entered the realms of the works, the only way to know if it is delinquent or wayward artist guard is to wait and see what his reaction would be. In this respect, there is no doubt Biennale clearly represents the spirit of the times. Various branches of art and life itself while since I joined together so nicely. In addition, many works in the exhibition combine different media previously joined together. Recognized artistic joke tells about the cleaner had forgotten artifact museum and exhibition visitors treated it as a work of art, or vice versa - cleans throwing trash what he thought he was rubbish, and retrospectively turned out to be a work of art happens. Whitney Biennial visitor wondering about people spinning in place, who is shown (or performance, or maybe should say "Mizz") who just came to visit Bmziaon. But this division seems outdated. Young artist Don Casper, for example, states the text that appears next to her work she found herself unemployed with no source of income and no studio since 2008, and since then she puts her studio around. When the artist was invited to present at She chose to move all her belongings, without exception. Casper relates to its display at the museum as work, and staying all day in space. She arranges and rearranges her studio time after time, sitting with "guests", and makes visitors Music. Activity nice and youthful great source spirit instills exhibition, but these practices are known to bursting, and without replenishment also what seemed recently brilliance becomes a curiosity or a cliché to say gimmick. Report on unemployment and a sense of hopelessness is the artist's works youngest presenter at the show. Cameron Crawford created post construction - minimalist all components made crafts plugging (the work). The wooden frame created by the artist great source hung a caption stating that the unemployed artist great source scribbled words and lines per widths of the sheets rolled up and placed inside the building. The marker pen doodles is glowing, as if to indicate their importance. Sense not - powerless against the backdrop of the fact Canvases are rolled pipes so that the viewer but to believe write text accompanying. Our labor costs is a feeling of hopelessness contrast, boredom and impotence. The idea of an act of "name" - to the thing itself and not for any other purpose (the Jewish tradition there is a concept of "Torah for its own sake") gets here concretization playful great source and beautiful.
One Curator great source Elizabeth Sozmn, curated the Biennale of 1993, provoked a real media debate. Curators opened the Mrhbihm ethnic groups Mogoonot, Daegu increased great source representation for women and presented the works of gays and lesbians, great source and the Biennale has been criticized as having a political character. great source Looking back, no doubt curator anticipating what later became a vast and very significant in American art, it should be noted these exhibitions not only reflect reality but in many ways also create it. Even Biennial current has been criticized and characteristics varied and contradictory: It has been described as too masculine about elects new media and popularity across disciplines more conventional painting, and as a separate exhibition refrained from engaging in the politics of identity, as represented primarily white Americans at the expense of sub-representation of other ethnic groups. great source Exhibition opening demonstration was held in the spirit of protest "occupation Wall Street" and a museum even fake spirit of a group of guerrilla activities "Yes - the".
Current biennial looks boasts that it celebrates the cultural margins, especially in queer, but action this area has long been impossible to define risk-taking. Perceived by the general public in the nineties provocative, does not make anyone batting an eye in the millennium. Creation of gay and lesbian and queer representations of complex long gone exceptions, and also are not considered provocative or provocative. Yet the Whitney great source exhibition includes some interesting work in this area: on the fourth floor of the museum displays the work of Wu Tsang. This is the kind of club dressing room typical of Latin American immigrants. Space was inspired by

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