Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Then, the third thing is,

Or XVII Tishrei AG - Simchat Beit Hashoeva "together crystal candy dish the tribes of Israel" - a thread of grace, Jerusalem | Jewish Education
Rabbi Shalom Arush: get welcome your Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg Shlita. I moved closer to my right I got him another, with jeans and long hair, and he brings me and get me. The first time I got to him, he studied with me tales of Rabbi Nachman, and invested in me. My joy is infinite privileged crystal candy dish that he came here in the sukkah, and miss hearing from him. Now would be a conversation and then another crystal candy dish dance. crystal candy dish
Happy holiday. FESTIVALS. We're all here condolence peace. God Deploy us and all of Israel sukkah of peace, "arbor crystal candy dish are you" - we all want peace, we want Moshiach. When Moshiach will come true peace, true love - all four species, "worthy of all Israel sitting in one Sukkah." To bring all the people crystal candy dish of Israel this sukkah. Sounds playing on the words "The permit is prohibited, the Lord opened blind, the Lord raised subject, God loved the righteous." After we sing we explain how they are against four species of the lulav, then sing again.
The Torah says "we are doing" - first need to do and then to hear the explanation. crystal candy dish The making is to sing and dance - this precept. Known school of Rabbi Nathan, Rabbi Nathan, who wrote fees Kadesh, especially his son, strengthen him and tell him about his impressions on his longing for his master saint. He called the book "a drug leaves" - the name of a verse in Ezekiel the spring came from God and water the river sailing, "and offer him the drug." From here you can understand what is meant by "God allows forbidden" - the first thing God does. sages explain that "and offer him the drug" - "to allow Fe mute ... allow here Housewives" [b]. That is, a medicine "is" Heather here, "God crystal candy dish permits - opens the mouth of the mute so they could talk and the mouth of the sterility, which is also examining here. Known book A work in alliance tongue crystal candy dish up and down the Soviet crystal candy dish knowledgeable source, and directed against one This, and "and offer him the drug" - the first thing to allow your mouth, "here's crystal candy dish up" and "fh of Mta"b. allowing the mouth associated crystal candy dish with the secret crystal candy dish guarantee. Sages say [c] that each of the four species is similar to something else in the human body , it should fix the existence of Sukkot this exalted crystal candy dish mitzvah of the four species. By order of the verse: crystal candy dish "citrus fruit", citron, similar to heart. Then "palm frond" lulav similar spine. Then "thick tree branch" is similar for eyes. End 'Arab River "- also Nachalat source of wisdom" - similar to the lips. It is written "and offer him the drug" crystal candy dish should allow the mouth.
What does that mean? Write [d] guarantees are the simplest Jews, Jews of the Baal Shem Tov, who have neither Torah nor good deeds. What do they have? In simple faith, which is fundamental, as we will explain tonight. Write "I believed that I speak" (Hillel say every day Sukkot) - Faith goes in the mouth, Lip, guaranteed. Simple faith in God, faith in the simple righteous foundation of the world. Each believer, believer righteous, believe sage of the generation, and should able to express it. Known Egyptian exile is the exile, imprisonment of speech, of H"fh - saying "- the mouth is forbidden in prison and can not talk, can not express himself, can not express his faith (the H"michla Dmhimnota", crystal candy dish which the Passover Matzah ). This Sunday is "the crystal candy dish Lord permits the forbidden" God allows the person who has no freedom of speech in holiness. Prohibits anyone, maybe now, and he feels inside the prison and 'I answered very "torture me, do not let me express my simple faith in God, my simple faith in a saint. Everyone connected with the righteous and have a mouthful to pronounce his faith. That being said, "Oh, crystal candy dish allow forbidden" and therefore is against the guarantee, some similarities to the lips, mouth. Prayer before every start "a - Danny lips open mouth will Thltc" - should God help us open the lips, the guarantee, "willows of the brook", so that it can pray to God, study Torah, and above all to express their faith, "I believed that I will speak. "
After "The permits are prohibited" read "the Lord opened blind" - an expression which is clearly against the myrtles similar for eyes. Should open their eyes to see Here-here we go '- here the Messiah crystal candy dish comes, redemption comes, there is a revelation. Known today Chabad hear much the expression revelation. Want Rebbe will be revealed, and talk about eternal life. Where does that come from? Who invented the tongues of eternal life and the revelation of the Rebbe after the departure crystal candy dish of this world? Rabbi Natan, according Moharan. He writes that the righteous eternal life, as we explain crystal candy dish - righteous live eternal life - and, many times in the letters of Rabbi Nathan writes waiting to be discovered, just the word that is used today in Chabad. crystal candy dish Expressed the same, even eternal life and revelation - and redemption. But for that need, as the Rebbe would tell us, just force open his eyes and see Here-here it comes "and "cbr come." crystal candy dish The messiah is here, only the eyes are closed, can not see the truth. That says "oh, opened blind" counter myrtles. If so, first "O" permits crystal candy dish are prohibited "- to permit mute here. By permitted here dumb allow both here infertility, had new souls in this world, crystal candy dish do people. After all righteous really want will produce. There's Wort Avrohom "Pro and multiply" - Jew must do more Jewish. How do allow here infertility? By permitted here mute, speaking with his mouth full faith, without shame. By believing in your mouth like that closer Yiddishkeit and righteous persons. Mental battle here is called to allow infertile. Thus, by allowing Fe mute anyway allow the mouth of sterility.
Then, the third thing is, "Oh, raised subject." Again, there is a phrase which is clearly against the lulav, "palm frond", as Chazal say lulav similar backbone. Should stand broadcaster

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