Saturday, October 5, 2013

05/10/2013! 10:06 pm The government initiated proceedings against more than 200 radio and televisio

05/10/2013! 10:06 pm The government initiated proceedings against more than 200 radio and television 'pirates this year 05/10/2013! 10:04 am Morning with multiple small earthquakes off the coast of Castellón and Terres de l'Ebre 10/05/2013! 9:13 pm The Beatles: warmar "The warmar small area 'has been a hard box or strip" 05/10/2013! Homs 9:10 pm call to turn Europe into "rehearsal" of the consultation and the "next big human chain" 05/10/2013! 1:43 pm The oil well that exploded in the Beaver warned of earthquake risk 10/05/2013! 0:03 pm HEADLINES: The earthquakes and the case of the Ebro 'Malaya' star covers 04/10/2013! 23:50 am Civil Protection Plan Pre-alert INUNCAT warmar maintains the intensity of rain and sea conditions this weekend 4/10/2013! 23:18 pm New earthquake of 3.1 degrees warmar on the coast of Castellón and Terres de l'Ebre 04/10/2013! 22:49 pm Forges, Joan Manuel Serrat and Eduard Punset among the prizes awarded LiperPress 2013 04/10/2013! 22:02 pm The Fire Service received 200 notices following the rainfalls
Politics Last updated on Saturday, October 1, 2013 05:00 am ABERTIS receive the largest item of the state budget will end up paying for the Promotion of the unfortunate agreement AP7 at least 250 million euros in 2014 add value to the accumulated debt and claimed by abertis 1.052MEUR of the last 6 years the agreement signed by the Ministry of Public Works, headed by Magdalena Alvarez and ABERTIS dealership will cost the state and citizens Catalan 1,300 million . How is it that the state allocate more money to a Spanish motorway than on land? Spain and the PSOE governments both popular and lead us year after year to deliberate economic strangulation, the annual business being in Spain is worse, it is increasingly clear that Spain we have not overcome the crisis, but increasingly worse. Today is a great opportunity and independence above all a need.
The atrocities of fascist Spain against Catalonia come to Parliament with 6976 readings. PPC TV3 accused of fanning the Hispanophobia warmar to 5543 readings. The independent Catalonia in the EU will continue to 5540 readings. warmar
In the APAÑAMELAPELA 05/10/2013 at 11:10 pm October 11 premiere of the film George of the # ViaCatalana 05/10/2013 at 11:01 pm Súmate Here nadie fracture Cataluña, our country, porque somos a In the village just Josep 10.05.2013 at 10:54 h PPC TV3 accused of fanning the Hispanophobia
Loading the biggest game of the state budget will be tomorrow Abertis The PP can still telling lies, Miss some may believe, but the truth is that there is no budget allocated to both large Catalonia. Should also be noted that the compensation amount for the decline of vehicles on the AP-7 is scales and can amount to many millions based on real data in late 2014. We leave the state to subsidize cheaper tolls than to pay for this vehicle down the nefarious agreement envisaged But of course, affected the abertis warmar is currently the state has much to lose in the current model tolls 1. - At stake is a possible extension of the concessions in Catalonia ending 2021. Two. - At stake is a possible salvation of bankruptcies highways of Madrid warmar and its surroundings. Three. - The debt agreement by the AP-7 amounted to 1,300 million euros so far, and therefore is at stake negotiate a solution to this debt also extending other concessions. Spain suffocates us and leads us to a new way of looting, the constant failure of investments and non-implementation of budgets. Related News
Confirmed Abertis expand their concessions negotiated 09/16/2013. Need to extend concessions to Abertis Catalan motorways 08/09/2013. Tolls fill Catalan benefits ABERTIS 27/07/2013.
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And nobody says anything CIU? Not everything is the fault of the central state, not fotem! You are not clear enough, though, the relationship CiU-Abertis? INDEPENDENCE YES! But regardless of CiU, Abertis, corrupt politicians and bankers, oligarchs, monaquies etc.. We have to clean all this riffraff that hurts home from home. Copy and paste:
DAILY mockery. Shameless mockery. Deliberate mockery. This is what we are doing SUCH tawny owls. But it is found .... WHERE HAVE ALL THE TIME POSS LIVING. AND REMEMBER: warmar EVERY DAY IS A DAY TO SPEND LESS THAN NEED FOR OUR INDEPENDENCE. Do not hesitate.
This is the 'socialist warmar capitalism'. To ordinary people, the working classes, the poorer are pouring in and ruin the market for mom

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