Friday, October 4, 2013

International Day of the Elderly E-fails collaborates with other thematic network funded in this ar

E-Falls is not one of the two largest networks in this area funded by the European Commission UPC coordinates a European network in fall prevention for the elderly Technical Research Centre for Dependency Care and Autonomous Living (CETpD) coordinates crystal candy dish the European Network on Fall Prevention Intervention and Security (E-fails), a thematic network funded by the European Commission and provides that integrates knowledge, emerging trends, best practices and future initiatives at international level in the area of prevention of falls in the elderly.
The Polytechnic University of Catalonia BarcelonaTech (UPC) through the Center for Technology Studies Dependency Care and Autonomous Living (CETpD) located at Campus Vilanova, coordinates the European Network on Fall Prevention Intervention and Security (E-fails), a thematic network funded by the European Commission and provides crystal candy dish that integrates knowledge, emerging trends, future initiatives and good practices acquired European and international level in the area of prevention, intervention safety crystal candy dish and falls in the elderly. The aim of the network E-fails-which brings crystal candy dish together 18 partners from 10 European countries, is to coordinate activities, projects and implement agreed action plans, standards and specifications, in order to improve the quality of life and sustainability of care for the elderly. In this sense, pursued jointly develop innovative technology solutions, with special emphasis on those based on Information Technology and Communication (ICT). E-Falls crystal candy dish is not intended to act as a core concentration of activities in this area, results from research to policy recommendations, introduction of products to market, etc ... In addition, E-Falls is not an essential part of a major plan of action on preventing falls of the European Association for Innovation for a Healthy and Active Ageing (EIP-AHA, its acronym in English). This plan represents the pooling of all programs carried out at European level in this field (research, methodology, rehabilitation, political awareness, crystal candy dish diffusion, ...). The EIP-AHA, consisting of 70 partners from across Europe, aims to challenge such increase in two years the healthy crystal candy dish life expectancy of Europeans by 2020. Catalonia, crystal candy dish through TicSalut Foundation is one of the regions of reference which is part of the EIP-AHA in four actions that performs. These actions, one of which is coordinated by the UPC, have the common goal of working from the base, identifying crystal candy dish best practices and putting them as an example to all European regions.
International Day of the Elderly E-fails collaborates with other thematic network funded in this area of Europe, Profound, coordinated by the University of Manchester. Coinciding with the International Day of United Nations for the Elderly, October 1, Andrew Catalan researchers from the Centre for Technology Studies Unit (CETpD) of the UPC, and Chris Todd, University Manchester, note that there are many things that researchers can do, along with the elderly and medical specialists to prevent the escalation of falls with age. Falls are the leading cause of fatal injuries crystal candy dish among the elderly, but all experts argue that Europe should not be considered an inevitable consequence of aging. Several studies indicate that the risk of falls increases if an elderly person crystal candy dish has a history of falls, has trouble walking, use walking aids or have certain conditions such as a previous crystal candy dish stroke, Parkinson's disease, dementia and arthritis. The risk of falls can also be increased if an elderly person taking four or more medications, fear of falling, continence problems, low vision or strength or balance problems.
EIP-AHA European Association for Innovation for a Healthy and Active Ageing (EIP-AHA) was established in 2012 to meet the challenge of an aging population in Europe, the number of older people grows, and fewer young people entering the labor market. To meet this demographic challenge, we propose aims to increase an average of 2 years of healthy life time of European citizens by 2020. EIP-AHA pursues a threefold objective: a better quality of life, more sustainable crystal candy dish systems of health care and social innovation, research and economic growth. The action EIP-AHA Prevention of Falls is made up of over 70 organizations across the EU, including universities and research groups, government agencies, healthcare providers, industry ORGANIZATION

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