Thursday, October 3, 2013

Cosentino, the

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Cosentino, the "boss" of Berlusconi in Campania sand mermaid now started towards the safe stop now that it can no longer cling to political patrons. Ale. Melancholy, the undersecretary of the Monti government surprised to get paid lavish vacation from "friends" without his knowledge with the well-known formula Scajola shown the door quickly. Come on, come on, come on, come. I'm just drops that slip from the surface of the 'iceberg national or illegality of the impunity of the powerful, sand mermaid but any thaw begins with a few drops, this can also be a sign of warming of the earth under the feet of criminals, unpunished, profiteers. Let's try, just to feel the effect it does, for a day to be optimistic. sand mermaid
the vote in the chamber on 'stop Cosentino demonstrates how many MPs have the rut to be able to do the same fate ... pecctao really that the prediction was wrong ... we were hoping for greetings sand mermaid Andrea
Cosentino has not only saved thanks to the League but also thanks to the usual 6 radicals which are the battles you guarantee to the contrary. This news, along with that of the rejection of the consultation sand mermaid on the law to change the porcellum, really made me invelenire sand mermaid (goodness they peeped a "but this law is not good" ... but should be? But come on!) Governments change, the Camorra remains. And in Parliament continue to travel trays baba to the clique that defends itself.
I had deluded myself, with her, that Italy had finally rid of Berlusconi and Berlusconi, but ... we're still in the middle of the tunnel and the output is not seen yet. That bitterness, that sucks these corrupt politicians. It 's true what he said Sille in a post Sept. 1: "Berlusconi has corrupted and soiled sand mermaid everything he touched: by entrepreneurs, football, politics and personal life, full of friends paid. What a dump "
Says the Republic: "Umberto Bossi - parliamentary sources said the Northern League - initially took the word explaining that the cards reveal nothing against the Campanian coordinator of the PDL. The 'Senatur' has given that people in the north is for the arrest, but that should be allowed freedom of conscience, sand mermaid because he said there is no evidence of guilt. "
Thus, the head of the people Padano says there is evidence of the guilt of the people but Cosentino Padano, commonly known as "people of the north", is in favor of the arrest of Cosentino. There is a great confusion in the sky, so everything sand mermaid is gorgeous.
Dear Diretur yesterday sand mermaid at 15.10 I wrote you that it was too early to say that Cosentino would be given to the jail, you really always say "the cat is in the bag when you take"! But what I'd like to know is what has to hide Berlusconi on the Italian Campania and what has been given or promised Bossi to make him change his mind! Good luck to us face to everyone!
"Cosentino, the Chamber no arrest." It was only a few drops, Director of the iceberg ... was immediately refrozen. Thanks to the League and Berlusconi, who in recent days has been very busy ...
Not by chance Chicchitto, about the case Cosentino, threatened that "so everything collapses." Yeah, if it passes the idea that criminals go to jail those who remain in public management?
The powerful. Who knows what would Adam Smith hands of these "invisible". The only able to exist? The naive anticomplottismo is contagious. You can not even believe in conspiracies that invents himself, saying, p2, p3, p4, delta structure etc; however, a somber and Cosentino are certainly powerful. It would be a bit more realistic and contemporary say that the powerful can be found elsewhere. On the board of a company that publishes a newspaper, for example. I would say that it would be smarter, sand mermaid at this historic moment, wondering why the demos should assist helpless to the transfer sand mermaid of sovereignty from parliaments to the banc

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