Saturday, November 2, 2013

So if you choose to buy white bread, bread, instead of choosing old fashioned candy jars such as wh

Once again we see a self-educated individuals or advocates companies emerging with magic solutions based on false assumptions. Not long ago candy from one manufacturer called health products and for several years was a giant marketing campaign on dísætu cereal and called health products. Most recently, it recently published a book on carbohydrates, or rather on carbohydrate map that solves the whole problem. Always fed on the ignorance of consumers and people drawn asnaeyrum as the easiest old fashioned candy jars to pull them asnaeyrunum who have the least knowledge and have a low self-esteem.
Where did get those self-educated individuals these delusions indefinitely? Not so much in college may end in such a study, most aspects of nutrition old fashioned candy jars educator and not just what students are interested in (ie cherry old fashioned candy jars picking).
But to make sure I'm not misunderstood, old fashioned candy jars I want to make it clear that a diet that has a very low proportion of carbohydrates can assist better but when it comes to reducing the risk of heart disease. There is actually plenty of evidence that simple carbohydrates, ie sugar, is one of the biggest culprit when it comes to incidence of cardiovascular disease in the West.
But carbohydrates or sugar are not the primary cause of obesity in western countries. Excessive food is there to blame, including excessive carbohydrate and sugar. old fashioned candy jars But many people still prefer self-taught declare authorities and nutritionists responsible for obesity because these batteries have, over the years, as measured by an endless consumption of carbohydrates. Since yesterday, I saw the following text as an example: "Why are nutritionists old fashioned candy jars who are trained to guide people in exactly these types of issues, not to mention prepared this way before, if it is so successful? "
The point of the government or dietician in Iceland say they have not emit instructions that contribute to people's health is of course nonsense and shows extraordinary ignorance, old fashioned candy jars the end does not help but look at the food circle old fashioned candy jars Directorate of Health (see below) to see that recommendations are not this way. Those who criticize the government old fashioned candy jars for public health recommendations in recent years and decades are not garbled on U.S. and local advice, do you?
So is another matter how compliance with these recommendations and unfortunately they carry themselves educated hugely responsible for fewest wants to know what they have to submit to the mouth. Why is that? Is it due to many changes in the government or the wide range of advice? No, it's because too many silly having old fashioned candy jars led the way upstairs in Iceland, especially this year. 10-15 years, and confuse people confused. Throw this out! This is forbidden! Just 32.5 grams of this! Will drinking one liter of this if you get this to you and it will be at this! And not integrated in the next page in the best-seller inside the memory you will see what you can eat in the morning and then goes all the confusion!
How on earth are people to understand this? Why do have advice so complex that human interest is because people do not understand anything? Why do I have to go to extremes and throw things out? Sausages are foods that I make myself very rarely. But it means that they are never available for me or my family? No of course not end'm fine for most to get the least of which is unhealthy but against a usually loyal.
And what's healthy? Healthy diet is more moderate diet where doses are such that the amount of calories that are consumed in proportion to the calories that are burned / destroyed. So should people old fashioned candy jars follow dietary old fashioned candy jars ring that says that about 33% of the food we eat should old fashioned candy jars come from fruits and vegetables, 33% from meat and other protein-rich products and milk and a third of the fat on the one hand and cereals and other carbohydrate rich / starch states food, however. This is not complicated. Government can not be held responsible for it when consumers choose roughest carbohydrates latter category. Namely government can not be held responsible, but that many parents old fashioned candy jars who do not have the determination to bring healthier bread into the diet of their children as too many parents in the popularity contest when it comes to raising old fashioned candy jars their children.
So if you choose to buy white bread, bread, instead of choosing old fashioned candy jars such as whole wheat bread, Life Cereal from mill as an example, old fashioned candy jars it's your choice. You are deciding to buy bread that can have a negative impact on your health. The same can be said about parents who allow their children to wade candy every day or absurd extravagance weekends: they are allowing their children to jeopardize their health at risk! It's that simple and the government come nowhere near there!
If carbohydrates were so awfully bad example would be the most Japanese, Chinese and Tælendingar dead end their diet full of rice that are carbohydrate old fashioned candy jars in nature. But these nations have traditionally eaten modest old fashioned candy jars by most m

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