Wednesday, January 29, 2014

In the final essay,

Is life according to the teachings of Jesus Christ in today's still possible? Answer: A resounding YES! The teaching of Jesus for a fulfilled life is: "Love God with all thy heart, electric coffee mug with all your soul and with all your mind" going forth and from this divine love: "Love your neighbor as yourself"
Oh, what I do not get to hear about this topic alll! Tell the one: To have a pure heart is absolutely impossible, because we are still living in the flesh. Even Paul says, "I do what I do not want and do not do what I want" - am I better than Paul? The others say: A pure heart, yeah I have a pure heart! Paul says we are pure and justified before God by faith alone!
In the final essay, "The Last Day" we have seen that even at a revival are only a few who were given a resurrection body at the last day. Those who carry the gospel not only heard, but sustained transpose into action.
So the argument that I have by faith alone pure and immaculate heart will not wash. Especially since this "faith" just a cheap acceptance of the existence of Jesus and His death on the cross means and the true faith but is considered in terms of an effective follow Jesus and thus the sanctification of the soul as unnecessary.
The pure heart is the essential prerequisite to have a personal relationship with Heavenly Father and to maintain it. It is the only requirement to do so. Jesus has clearly told us with a single sentence:
As we will see in the next Mitttwoch, this "see God" is not a matter of eternity, but, since the spiritual life from the material life can not be separated, electric coffee mug even to some degree in this life in this world is possible. But precisely: It is reserved for the one who is pure of heart!
Pure is the heart, if not a sin, and only the truth dwells in him. We do not sin you know, with our actions, not our words, but with our thoughts. The actions and words are then only the implementation of sin, which began already in his heart. electric coffee mug
The idea therefore is which contaminates the heart. Here, however, it must be remembered that not all sinful thoughts are really sin, because we have little influence on our uncontrolled thought. A sinful thought is only a sin if we associate this thought our love, that is, when we take pleasure in this sinful electric coffee mug thoughts and dwell on it.
Who is aware of, can also make arrangements. He can bring to his world of thought a little order in which he exercises in concentration. This makes it possible to eliminate inadmissible thoughts by focusing immediately before the heart can give rise to any emotions. For example, if he beübt the knowledge that our Heavenly Father is always and forever in our hearts, he can take in an emergency immediate thoughts until the enemy Attak is over. This is what Jesus advised His disciples:
Everyone has to its full rebirth his favorite sin (n). Everyone knows this very well for himself. This can be quite stubborn, but we can no longer tolerate. It often takes a lot of force, and even tears to get rid of these. electric coffee mug Paul has described it in the book of Hebrews this way: "For ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin. "Yes, to the death we have to fight sometimes to be overcomers! electric coffee mug But who overcomes "... will not be damaged by the second death. "That is as much as not see corruption, but get the resurrection body!
Most of this whole struggle is also the prayer requires that the Spirit of God makes known to us at all, what sin is. He is the One who gives us knowledge of sin, if we ask for it. Same, on our own, the whole exercise is pointless if we are not constrained by the Spirit of God and He reproaches us our sins. This prayer for knowledge of sin is missing in our Christianity today is almost complete. Because that is also what makes a revival. If our mind is moved anxiously and fearfully whether the distance from God shown us through electric coffee mug sin, then we are on the right track to want a pure heart, because this willing as, ultimately, the doing, is effected by the Spirit if we which we also actually provide. And so these sins-provision is by the Spirit of the actual court, which is well known in the house of God begins. electric coffee mug
We see, with pure "faith" in the hammock has a pure heart and thus the justification to do nothing. E

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